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Horus was the main God who listened to the claims of the dead.

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Q: Which main god listened to the claims of the dead?
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Which main god listened to the claimes of the dead?

Horus was the main God who listened to the claims of the dead.

Which main god is supposed to have listened to the claims of the dead?

Osiris, lord of the dead.

Who was the main god that was supposed to listen to the claims of the dead in Ancient Egypt?


Who is the main god of confucianism?

Confucianism does not make any claims about God or gods. It resolves that other religions, such as Shenism, Buddhism, or Daoism will make supernatural claims.

Who is the god of dead?

The main two are Anubis and Osiris.

Who is the person who claims to carry massage between dead and living?

Hermes the greek god and the messenger of the gods

What were the main gods of ancient Egypt?

Some were: Ra-the sun god Anubis-god of death Osiris-god of the dead

Was Anubis the main god of Egypt?

Premathon: I thought that it was Osiris with the story they miracle of the Nile, where he was resurrected 2 time.Aedylaine: The Egypt have 3 main gods.RaAnubisOsirisRa is the god of the sun.Anubis is the god of death.Osiris is the god of the dead.

What is the christians main day of worship to god?

I say Easter, as Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

What were Joshua's tactics?

He listened to God and did what he said. That is the best tactic of all.

How did Mary accept God's call?

She listened to what the angel Gabriel had to say.

Was Osiris the god of the dead?

no. the god of the dead was Hades.