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male there manly

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Q: Which kind of reindeer are larger in size male or femail reindeer?
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What is male reindeer called?

A male reindeer is called a bull.

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Is a penguin a femail or mail?

A penguin can be either a male or female.

Is a male a caribou and a female a reindeer?

No. They are two names for the same animal. A male caribou is a male reindeer.

Which hamster is calmest male or femail?

it depends on the hamster I think it would be either or

Can you get pregnant if the male and femail smokes weed?

only if you don't use protection

Reindeer bucks and does?

A buck is the male reindeer; the female is a doe

What type of organism is a reindeer?

Reindeer are just like male deer

Can Nintendogs breed and make puppies?

yes,nintendogs can make puppies

Is Rudolph the reindeer really a female?

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was/is male.

What sex is Rudolph the reindeer?
