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moon bear hands down

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Q: Which is the cutest type from the bear families?
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Who is the cutest Care Bear?

Bashful Heart Bear!

What kind of hamster is the cutest?

I personally think the cutest is a panda bear hamster which is just a Syrian is the cutest. Even though all of them are adorable !!!!!

What is the cutest animal ever that's uncommon?

Koala Bear

Is tatty teddy the cutest bear on earth?

Meaning tatty teddy bear do you mean Me to you bears? If yes then it could be the cutest bear on earth, but every single childhood teddy bear is cute its up to you to decide, anything you grew up with is

Who is Courtney osborne?

Courtney is the smallest , weirdest , cutest gummy bear in the world! ;P hahahahah yer ma life ..... and my gummy bear love yeh! Courtney is the smallest , weirdest , cutest gummy bear in the world! ;P hahahahah yer ma life ..... and my gummy bear love yeh!

What happens when you type in whos the cutest on google?

you are

Is a brown bear related to a black bear?

Only in inter-racial bear families.

What is the cutest webkinz in the world?

i would have to say either the koala bear or the lil kinz golden retriever

Who is the cute brunette on TMZ-not Christie Bear?

Christie Bear is the cutest. So be happy with her. Shevon Sullivan is the cute brunette you are thinking about. I agree, she's lovely.

What type of voice does James Maslow have?

the cutest voice ever

Can you buy teddy bear hamsters at pet co?

ask if they have one in the back room I got the cutest hamster their have a nice day remember to ask

Is the polar bear the cutest animal on earth?

Some think so, especially cubs. The world's favorite animal according to Animal Planet, is the tiger.