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Q: Which is not a characteristic of the sun?
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One unique characteristic about the sun?

One unique characteristic about the sun is its color. Another is the way it put off heat.

What are characteristic of sun?

they were traysa stelah dasia sophia natasha and rosa

What is Mercury characteristic?

Mercury is the smallest terrestrial planet, closest to sun

What characteristic do all planets in our solar system have in common?

They orbit the sun.

What characteristic do animal share?

There are live. aren't they! I think they share sun and water

Which characteristic of life relies on the sun?

all of life relies on the sun. all living things (so far) need energy that the sun provides or will be effected by not having the sun.(ex. cave dwellers need food, algae, if we have no sun. then all of them would die)

How did the scientists figure out what gasses are on the sun?

The gasses in the sun are very hot and therefore glow; the specific wavelengths of light that they emit are characteristic of specific elements.

Is climate affected by solar flares?

Solar flares do not directly affect Earth's climate because they release energy in the form of x-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation, which are mostly absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. However, solar activity, including solar flares, can indirectly influence climate by affecting the sun's output of energy and its interaction with Earth's magnetic field.

Is the sun bioluminescence?

No, the sun is not bioluminescent. Bioluminescence refers to the ability of living organisms to produce light, which is not a characteristic of the sun. The sun's light and energy are produced through a process called nuclear fusion in its core.

What evidence do you have the sun contains the element iron?

The spectral lines. Each element has a characteristic "fingerprint" in a spectrum.

Which characteristic of the gas giants decreases with increasing distance from the sun?

The temperature decreases with increasing distance from the sun for gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. This is because they receive less sunlight the farther they are from the sun.

Does mercury have any famous characteristic?

Mercury is known for being the planet that is closest to the sun, and therefore also the hottest.