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Well, all of these 6 snakes are highly venomous. It's really hard to ratify snakes. But some ideas can be shared. 1. Taipans have the most toxic venom of any land snake in the world. They don't get irritated unless provoked. They mostly hunt on other snakes so they needed to have such a powerful venom. 2. Black Mambas also have extremely potent venom. They are very protective and easily irritated. They are also the fastest land snakes (even faster swimmers). They mainly hunt on large to medium size rodents (which can fight back with their claws), so they need their venom to be strong enough for 1 bite 1 kill. 3. King kobras are the largest of all venomous snakes in the world. They are highly territorial & not very gentle. they only feed on other snakes so their venom has to be strong. They are also immune to the venom of other local snakes. 4. Common kraits are highly venomous (as usual). They are cannibals & highly territorial. They are very active and agile at night. Surprisingly they are quite inactive during daytime. Their quest for rodents bring them close to human habitation and leaves unlucky victims. 5. Tiger snakes are highly venomous as well. They eat other snakes and medium sized rodents. Tiger snakes are of a large variety and so are their characters. Biting is a last resort for tiger snakes (exception: the black Tiger snake). They either make a swift getaway or rely on several minutes of intimidation. Mortality rates of tiger snake bites have come down in recent times. 6. Yes, Green Mambas are also venomous. They need a potent venom because they feed on birds and arboreal rodents. They are highly arboreal and hardly venture on land. Thaeir venoms are less potent than that of black mambas' and they are also smaller. They are gentle, gentle and elegant. Now, the descriptions make it clear that there can't be a convincing comparison between these pairs. Here's an effort. First pair: black mamba (more aggressive, faster) Second pair: king kobra (a king kobra could eat up a krait) Third pair: king kobra (you can't ignore impereality, plus, antivenoms for tiger bites are fairly available) Fourth pair: black mamba (how could anyone call an adorable green mamba dangerous?)

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Q: Which is more dangerous a taipan and a black momba a king cobra and a common krait a king cobra and a tiger snake or a green momba and a black momba?
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1. belcher's sea snake 2. island taipan 3. black mamba 4. green mamba 5. boomslang 6. coral snake 7. king cobra 8. spitting cobra 9. russle's viper 10. indian cobra

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What are the top ten dangerous snakes in the world?

Some of the top ten most dangerous snakes in the world include the inland taipan, eastern brown snake, black mamba, king cobra, coastal taipan, and the tiger snake. These snakes are known for their potent venom and aggressive behavior, making them a threat to humans if encountered.

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There are several venomous snakes where their scientific names start with "O", such as:Inland Tiapan (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus).King Cobra (Ophiophagus Hanna).Common Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus).

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This may be a trick question. If you are asking what snake has the most venom. That is the spitting cobra. It expels its venom in long streams to hit its preys eyes to blind it and then it can bite. If you are asking what is the most poisonous snake. That would be the black mamba snake. Its venom can kill a man in minutes. i would say taipan is the most venomous snake not the black mamba