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Tigers are the biggest species of cat, while lions are smaller than tigers.

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12y ago

The tiger has slightly longer canines on average. Tiger canines in adult males in Bengal tigers are between 3-4 inches. Lions are from 2 3/4 to 3 1/4 iches for males.

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What are the differences between lions and tigers?

The tiger has an orange color with black stripes, while the lion has a tawny buff color. The lion has a mane, while tigers don't. Lions live in groups/prides, while tigers are solitary (that means they live alone).

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tell you this they have sharp teeth...:)hope this help

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Tigers can run faster and for longer time and distance than lions...

What are the similarities between tiger and lions?

Lions and tigers are similar in size, with the tiger being somewhat longer and heavier. Both cats have powerful jaws and canine teeth, and long recurved claws.

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Lions and tigers use their claws, teeth, and sometimes paws for defence. They use paws to sometimes suffocate.

What teeth lions have?

They have the same teeth you and I have. The only difference is their canines are longer and sharper.

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it is lions, tigers, and bears

How much millimeters is a tiger taller than a lion?

Lions on average are taller than Tigers although Tigers are longer.

Does a tiger measure longer than a lion?

Full grown tigers are longer than full grown lions.

Tiger or lion which is strongest?

Tigers, especially the Siberian and Bengal tigers, as these subspecies are heavier and more muscular than lions. Lions are usually a bit taller at the shoulder, but tigers are built heavier, and the body is slightly longer.

Are their any animals with teeth like a lion?

Yes, the tiger's teeth are similar to the lions.

What is the main different between tiger and lion?

It depends what you mean by "main difference." If you mean what they look like, then the answer is simple: Tigers are usually orange like fire, and have black stripes. Lions are usually sandy coloured, and the male lions have a big mane around their head and neck. There are also more detailed differences between lions and tigers. Tigers are bigger and stronger, have longer claws, and live in forests or jungles. Lions are smaller than tigers, they have longer faces, and they live in the savannah.