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Many of the sighthound breeds (Borzoi, Greyhound, Scottish Deerhound, etc.) are very calm and laid back indoors, though they benefit from a chance to run outdoors. Back inside, however, most--except puppies, of course--are more than happy to lounge about on a dog bed or your couch. They're generally large dogs, but make better apartment dogs than most small breeds because of this.

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Q: Which dogs are the least hyper?
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Can dogs get stressed out?

Dogs actually do not get stressed out but they can become jealous or hyper.

Why are most dogs so hyper?

They are looking for attention

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like maybe pet bull dogs and the hyper dogs.

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Hyper dogs often are not getting enough exercise -- you should be going on a strenuous walk at least once daily -- the dog ought to be TIRED when you get back!To calm a hyper German Shepherd or any type of dog you...Talk to it gently...Stroke it soothingly...Treat it nicely...DONE!

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MALE hyper dogs: Dash Eddie Gunner Riley Sprite Tigger Tucker Turbo Virgil FEMALE hyper dogs: Havoc Jacey Porsche Zoey Either (Unisex): Rocket Scrappy Zippy

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Well... dogs get so hyper, they lose control and they start to go.

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Yes, they are hyper but great family dogs.

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Labs are hyper for a year and a half or so. Just their nature. Great dogs after that.

Why does my dog get hyper after eating?

Dogs can get hyper after eating due to a spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to increased energy and excitement. Additionally, the act of eating itself can be stimulating for some dogs, causing them to become more active and playful.

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No, the American Eskimo Dog sheds heavily, making them unsuitable as pets for people allergic to dogs.

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well it depends on the dogs personality... if the dog is friendly and loves to be around other dogs and people then yes. most hyper dogs do. if your dog is aggressive then not always

What kind of personality does a labrador dog has?

Most labrador dogs have a good disposition and they are very hyper.