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Q: Which creatures has the largest brain in proporpion to its size?
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What is the size of a Chihuahua's brain?

the size of the brain is the size of a raspberry i oped up my dogs head and that's what the size was.

What is the average brain size of a Raven?

The average brain size of a raven is about 15% of its body weight, making it relatively large compared to other bird species. Ravencorvids are known for their high intelligence and problem-solving abilities, which are supported by their larger brain size.

Which Primate has the largest brain case?

The primate with the largest brain case is the human, with an average brain size of about 1,350 cubic centimeters.

Human versus elephant brain size?

The average human brain weighs about 1.4 kg, while an elephant's brain can weigh around 5 kg. Despite the size difference, the complex folding and organization of a human brain allow for advanced cognitive abilities not seen in elephants. Elephant brains are specialized for memory and emotional processing, crucial for their social structures and survival in the wild.

Which whale has the largest brain?

IT IS THOUGHT THAT ALBERT EIENSTEIN HAD THE BIGGEST BRAIN not quite sure who has the biggest brain now

How big is a blue whales brain?

A blue whale's brain is about the size of a small car and can weigh up to 15 pounds. It is the largest brain of any animal on Earth.

What is the size of the cerebrum?

the size of it is 679879234834 cm

What is the size of a human brain?

The average human brain weighs three pounds (1.36 kilograms). The average female brain capacity is 79.3 cubic inches, slightly smaller than the male brain of 88.5 cubic inches. The largest human brains may be twice those of average size, but size has no relevance to brain performance.

Is the brain the largest organ?

I believe the two most important are the brain and the heart although you can stop heart desieses and brain desieses you can not stop so that's why I think the brain is a bit more important than the heart.and besides the heat only controls like half of your body or 1 4th of it and brains control the whole thing.

What is the largest size of the adult human brain?

The adult human brain typically weighs around 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) and has an average size of about 1,400 cubic centimeters. However, brain size can vary among individuals and is influenced by factors such as genetics, overall body size, and level of brain development.

What type of creature can grow bigger than several elephants?

Blue whales are the largest creatures on earth today. A grown elephant is about the size of the tongue of a blue whale.

What is the average brain size of a human?

The average human brain weighs three pounds (1.36 kilograms). The average female brain capacity is 79.3 cubic inches, slightly smaller than the male brain of 88.5 cubic inches. The largest human brains may be twice those of average size, but size has no relevance to brain performance.