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Q: Where the Biombo mask originated from?
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Who makes the Biombo mask?


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What does the biombo mask represent?

It represents the hair style

How was the biombo mask used?

It was used in rituals and ceremonies.

Why did the africans create the Biombo mask?

because they wanted to

What year were biombo mask created in?

they sniffed it and then licked it and walar

What is Biombo Region's population?

Biombo Region's population is 63,835.

What is the religion of the biombo people?

Have your way with young goats

What actors and actresses appeared in Camerino sin biombo - 1967?

The cast of Camerino sin biombo - 1967 includes: Blaki Gemma Cuervo Antonio Escales Carmen Lozano Manuel Manzaneque as Narrator

When did Corey Taylor first change his mask?

the first Corey Taylor mask was originated around 1997 then the members decided to get upgradesor new masks so they did he first changed his mask June 13,2002

What ceremony was the teke mask used in?

The Teke mask originated in the Congo and they were used for various rituals, like social celebrations, it was special because they were a secret society.

How did the biombo tribe start to make masks?

they dug out a peace of wood and made it into a mask Beaucoup de masques ont été inspirés par des animaux. Animal totem, ou ancetre, le singe se retrouve représenté dans beaucoup de masques en Afrique. Le masque est un intermédiaire direct entre le dieu-nature et l'homme. Chez les Biombo, un peuple de RDC proche des Kubas, il existe un masque "caméléon" mais aussi bien d'autres différents