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A horse's withers are around the place where the shoulders are. Which is just below the mane, on the horse's back.

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the neck meets the back

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Q: Where on the horse's body will you find the withers?
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Where on a horses body is the withers?

The horse withers is at the end of the mane right above the shoulders. Hope that helps! :)

What are the withers?

The withers are a ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, It is the tallest point of the body in horses and dogs. Cattle are measured to the top of the hip

Where on horses body would you find a withers?

At the base of the neck, where the neck meets the back. On most horses it will be a distinguishable bump but some do not have much withers and they are less noticeable.

A horses height is measured from the ground to what body part?

from the ground to the withers... i hand equals 4 inches

How many withers do horses have?


How do you put withers in a sentence?

The horses were soon up to their withers in the icy creek. Our English teacher has the new principal wringing his withers.

When measuring hands high on horses do you go to the withers?


How tall are schleich horses?

Schleich horses from withers (their back) are about 10 centimeters tall Source I have a schleich stables 34 horses and 12 other animals

Do horses get measured vertically or horizontal?

If its the height of the horse you're measuring then, vertically, from the floor to the horse's withers. Horses are measured in hands.

What are a horse's body parts?

They are just like our body parts! They have Poll, Crest, Muzzle, Coronet, Hoof, Pastern, Fetlock, Cannon, Hock, Gaskin, Stifle, Flank, Loin, Croup, Withers and Barrel. Horses body parts are in fact basicly what our body parts are!

What does a horses back look like?

A horses back is curved and sloped. In the front is the withers, and in the back isits bottom. No you don't know JKJK hahaha

Why are horses meashured from feet to shoulders?

Because horses do not all hold their heads at the same angle, but they cannot change the height of their withers, so this is very reliable.