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Dogs have dew claws on the front legs but this is actually the 1st claw rather than the 5th (think of it as the equivalent to our thumbs). It is found on the inside surface of the leg, slightly higher up than the other claws. It should be trimmed regularly along with the other claws to prevent overgrowth.

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probably next to the fourth toe on the back leg of a dog.

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Q: Where is the fifth toe on the back leg of a dog?
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Do min pins have fifth toe?

Not exactly. However they have a dueclaw. Also, if you look on the back of the leg, there is a pad on the wrist known as the carple pad.

Do some dog breeds lack a fifth toe on rear legs?

dogs dont have dewclaws on their back feet. Only 4 toes on the back paws is normal

Why does a dog have an extra paw on the back of its leg?

I think you must mean "an extra toe on the inside of hind leg"? Some breeds need this extra toe or "Dew Claw" for plowing through the snow, it gives them more dig in power such a the Burmese, Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernard, etc.

What is the medical terminology for the fifth toe?

Usually the medical term for the fifth toe is fifth toe. You could also call it the fifth digit of the foot, or the fifth pedal digit. The layman's term for the fifth toe is the pinky toe.

What is the name for pinky toe?

Little Toe or Fifth Toe

What causes pain down your left leg and your toe to be numb?

usally a disc in your back

What is a hurdle for cheer-leading?

You prep like you are going to do a toe touch,then when you jump you pull one of your legs back to your hip so it would look like a N kind of when you flex your toe on the bent leg then with the other leg it goes out like a toe touch and which ever leg is out like a toe touch i what side hurdler it is.and you just land with your feet togeter

What are the names for our toes?

First toe (Big toe) Second toe (Index toe) Third toe (Middle toe) Fourth toe (Fore toe) Fifth toe (Baby toe)

Where is a horses toe located under the hoof?

A horses toe CAN NOT be located under the hoof, but it can be found on the leg, if you run your hand up the back of your horses leg afew inches up from the hell of the hoof you will find a rather solid bump, that is a toe, although sometimes some have bigger one's then others, it is still considered the horses toe. ;)

How do you heal a dog's fractured toe?

1.Go to a vet 2 use splint and bandage roll /plaster. 3. Do not let the dog use the fractured toe leg.(normally they start hopping on three legs) 4.pain killer help to give the dog some relief.

What is the name toes?

Hallux (big toe) Second toes (long toe) Third toe (middle toe) Fourth toe (ring toe) Fifth Toe (pinky toe, baby toe, or little toe)

What is a angulated fracture in fifth toe?

An angulated fracture is one in which the bones, once broken, no longer line up in the straight line they used to assume, and have broken into an angle. The fifth toe is the little toe.