The calf muscles in the human body are also called the gastrocnemius muscles.
In you body
A calf should be given 10% of its body weight in milk, and 2% of its body weight in feedstuffs like hay and grain.
A second-class lever in the body is demonstrated by the action of the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) when performing a calf raise. The foot is the load, the ankle joint is the fulcrum, and the effort is provided by the contraction of the calf muscles to lift the body weight.
Posterior body surface of the leg.
MAinly your calf muscle
chin, cheek, cranium, calf, cornea
as in the animal- kalb as in the body part- wade
lower part of the leg, its nicknamed the "calf bone"
Look for how much the calf has filled out in its frame, body to leg-height ratio, and weight gain. You can also look at a calf's teeth to tell its age.
That all depends on the age and weight of the calf. Typically a calf should recieve 10% of its body weight in milk replacer per day.