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· Australia

· Pakistan

· India

· Japan

· South America

· North America

· Russia

· South Africa

· United Kingdom

(all over the world)

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is legal in japan, Africa, Russia, and wildly practice in Latin America

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βˆ™ 14y ago

dog fights usually take place in warehouses at night

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Dog fighting could be seen in the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Russia and many muslen countries.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Nearly everywhere

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It depends...

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Q: Where do dog fights take place?
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Dog fights are illegal

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Sampson and Gregory fight Abraham and Tybalt fights benvolio.

Why should dog fights be alowed?

Dog fights are not allowed and never will be!! Chloeskitty's: Also Because ITS ILLGAL.

Why owners train pitbulls to be mean?

For money. People specially train dogs to fight and be aggressive so that organised fights can take place in which people bet on which dog will win and which dog will die. People are sick, but it's just the way life is.

What is the most kind of dog that are in dog fights?


How dog trained for dog fights?

i dot know' ? Dog fighting is Illegal

What are the effects on dog fighting today?

The effects on dog fighting days are laeding to dog beign killed inthe fights and some being put down for loseing their fights.

Where does the fight between Rocky and Spider Rico take place?

At a nightclub. It was difficult to tell, I know. But that's where a lot of those amateur fights would take place.

When a dog fights over mate?

Please give more detail to your question. What do you mean by when a dog fights over mate. However a dog will fight over another dog until one dog is hurt or the mate chooses.