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A baby platypus is hatched in a chamber at the end of the mother platypus's burrow, which is dug into the side of a riverbank.

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Q: Where is a baby platypus born?
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Does a baby platypus know how how to swim when it is born?

No. When a baby platypus hatches, it is the size of a bean, blind and completely helpless.

Does a platypus open its eyes when it's first born?

no, when the platypus is born it is blind and totally helpless

How heavy is a platypus when it is born?

Platypuses are not born: they are hatched. A newly hatched baby platypus weighs about the same as a bean, which would perhaps be about 0.5 grams.

How much does a platypus weigh when it's born?

A baby platypus is not born, but hatched. When hatched, it weighs around half a gram.

How long do baby platypus nurse for?

baby platypus nurse for approx three to four months

How long does a baby platypus stay in the burrow?

A baby platypus stays in the chamber of its mother's burrow for about six weeks.

How big is a platypus when it's born?

Platypuses a not born: they are hatched from eggs. Although mammals, they are egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. A newly hatched platypus is about the size and weight of a bean. It is blind, hairless and completely helpless.

Can a platypus walk on the day it is born?

No. Firstly, platypuses are not born: they are hatched. Platypuses are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. When they are hatched, they are blind, hairless and completely helpless. A newly hatched baby platypus is about the size and weight of a bean.

What is a baby duckbilledplatapus called?

A baby platypus is called a PUGGLE

Can a platypus breathe when it is hatched?

Yes. When first hatched, a baby platypus can breathe on its own.

What do you feed a baby platypus?

you give it milk

Is there a special word for baby platypuses?

No. A baby platypus is just called a baby platypus, and has no official name. it is not called a puggle, despite what many websites and otherwise reputable sources may suggest. It is occasionally unofficially known as a platypus, but note - this is completely unofficial.