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they might live i the Arctic seas.

Beluga whales are found in the Arctic Ocean, along the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Russia. In the adjoining seas of Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, the Beaufort Sea, Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence Seaway. Belugas are well adapted to both a cold ocean habitat (0 degrees Celsius) and warmer freshwater habitat.

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15y ago

Belugas ate typically found in the arctic and sub-arctic regions.

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Q: Where in the ocean do Beluga whales live?
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Whales that don't live in the ocean?

The only whales that do not live in the ocean, are the ones found in captivity. Killer whales (or Orcas as they are commonly known), and Beluga whales are common in theme parks.

What do beluga whales live in?

beluga whales cant live in a state they live in the water

What state do beluga whales live in?

beluga whales cant live in a state they live in the water

What animals live in the Arctic Ocean?

Some of the animals that live in the Arctic Ocean are beluga whales, killer whales, narwhals, seals, walruses , some kind of sharks

Where do Beluga Whales live?

they live in aquariums or oceans. If you were looking for them in the wild you would find them up in Alaska, Canada and the north pole. They only live in the arctic circle.the Atlantic ocean

Do beluga whales live alone?

no they live in groups. beacuse i did research.

Where do beluga whales find food?

Beluga whales find food in the bottom of the ocean(trench zone).

Do beluga whales live in the aphotic zone of the ocean?

Beluga whales love cold water , they live in sub arctic waters around the world . They move from coastal areas to the open ocean with the freezing and thawing ice . They also tend to stay in deeper waters because it is colder and Beluga whales bottom feed on smaller organisms .

Where do Beluga whales sleep?

At the bottom of the ocean!

What animals live around narwhals?

Narwhals and Beluga whales often travel in the same region of the ocean.

How long does beluga whales live?

Beluga whales have a life span of 25-30 years.

What part of the ocean do beluga whales live?

Beluga whales are mainly found in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions around Russia, Greenland and North America.