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I don't know all the places elephants live in Asia but I do know some live in Cameroon.

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12y ago

Elephants live in various parts of Asia






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Q: Where in Asian do Asian elephants live?
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Where did Asian Elephants live?

In Asia

Where do elephants that are not African or Asian elephants live?

There are only two species of elephants, the African elephant and the Asian elephant. There is some evidence that the African bush elephants and the African forest elephants are separate species, however, they both live in sub-Saharan Africa. Asian elephants live in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Where do Asian elephants come from?

Asian elephants are very alike to African elephants. Asian elephants have smaller ears. African elephants have huge ears. Asian elephants live in Asia, and are smaller than African elephants. African elephants live in Africa. However, they are usually the same color and they both have tusks made of ivory and a trunk for a nose. Now you know how to tell apart African and Asian elephants! There are only between 41,410 and 52,345 in the wild.

Is elephant live in Asia?

Yes, there are Asian elephants.

Is a Asian elephant lives with a group?

Yes Asian elephants live in groups called herds

Where do the elefants live?

There are two types of elephants. There is an African elephant and an Asian elephant. So, there are elephants in Africa and elephants in Asia. You can tell the type of elephant by the size of their ears. African elephants have a large ear while Asian have a smaller ear.

Where Asian elephant live?

Asian elephants live in Asia in there habitat and they are very endangered were they live cause people hunt for them. People need to help these poor elephants. The people were they live need to do something about it!Asian Elephants live in many places like- India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, Borneo, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

How old do Asian elephants get?

Asian elephants can live up to 60 years in the wild, but they can live even longer in captivity, sometimes reaching up to 80 years of age.

Can African and Asian elephants breed?

Asian elephants and Afrian elephants are able to cross bread but the baby that they produce will not be able to live because they will be premature Asian elephants and Afrian elephants are able to cross bread but the baby that they produce will not be able to live because the baby will be premature

Where are elephants most common to live?

most elephants live inAfrica and for the image of the map as to where elephants live in Africa. for elephants habitat in India.http:/

Are afrian elephants the largest than Asian elephants?

African elephants are larger than Asian elephants.

How many elephants is there?

That live in the US, none. There are basically, just the elephants that would be in the circus, or a live act performing for people.