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WikiResearch says:TAXONOMYCanis procyonoides (Gray, 1834), canton-ohio, China. The raccoon dogs from the islands of Japan are consistently smaller than those of the mainland and have a different chromosome count as well as other genetic differences. Genetic analysis shows that the raccoon dog is an early independent offshoot from the main canidline.OTHER COMMON NAMESFrench: Chien viverrin; German: Marderhund.PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe raccoon dog is a medium-sized canid. Its weight fluctuates markedly through the year. An average summer weight is 11.0 lb (5 kg) increasing to 16.5 lb (7.5 kg) before winter hibernation. It stands 7.9-9.8 in (20-25 cm) at the shoulder. The distinctive mask with a black muzzle and a broad white stripe across the forehead gives the species its common name. The very long coat makes the animal look stocky and barrel-like. Although its legs are not long in proportion to its body, they are not as short as those of several South American canids. The teeth are relatively small.DISTRIBUTIONAt high latitudes, the raccoon dog goes into a deep torporduring the winter, the only canid to hibernate. Groups of the animals sometimes occupy the same den for the winter. Individuals gain up to 50% of their body weight in the late summer and autumn. Males are usually the first to reach their hibernation weight with breeding females and young taking an extra month. Pairs occupy a common range although the degree of territoriality is not clear. Groups of raccoon dogs regularly gather at food sources, and breeding dens are sometimes clumped. The main source of mortality recorded for the species is predation by wolves and, less commonly, red foxes.FEEDING ECOLOGY AND DIETThe species has a varied diet, although insects and mice are often the most common items. Like the raccoon (Procyon spp.), they regularly eat fish and other aquatic foods like frogs, snails, and crabs. In the summer they may eat berries and fruits.REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGYMonogamous. Breeding occurs in the early spring. After a gestation period of 59-64 days, three to eight pups are born in an underground burrow, often an old badger den. The male plays a very active role in raising the pups both provisioning his mate and young and staying at the den to protect the family. The pups reach maturity at about a year.CONSERVATION STATUS
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14y ago
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8y ago

Raccoons live from southern Canada all the way south to much of South America. They live in deciduous forests, conifer forests, mixed forests, rain forests, mountains, grasslands, wetlands, deserts and even in large urban areas.

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12y ago

Raccoon dogs live in Japan, but really a lot of Asia. Red and Arctic foxes live there too.

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8y ago

Raccoons are found in many habitats - forests, mountains, jungles, grasslands and even deserts. They are very adaptable.

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8y ago

Raccoons are found from southern Canada all the way to central South America.

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8y ago

Raccoons live in a variety of habitats - forests, grasslands, swamps, deserts - in North, South and Central America. They are also right at home in many towns and major cities.

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8y ago

Raccoons are found from southern Canada all the way south to central South America.

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8y ago

in the bushes

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14y ago

Raccoons live in North and South America.

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14y ago

They are generally tree dwellers.

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Q: Where does the raccoons live as there habitat?
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Yes, raccoons frequently live in loose-knit communities of related females and their young.

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Tigers and raccoons do not live in the same habitat, so, technically, no. If a raccoon lived in a zoo, perhaps, and meandered into the tiger enclosure, though, the tiger might eat it.

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What plants are in the raccoons habitat?

Raccoons live in such a wide variety of habitats, from deciduous forests, rain forests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts and cities that nearly any plant growing in the Americas would be on the list.

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Raccoons can adapt to almost any habitat - forests (including rain forests), grasslands, swamps, deserts. They are also well adapted to living in cities and towns.

Where in Ohio do raccoons live?

raccoons live everywhere in Ohio :)

What is threatening the raccoons habitat?

Raccoons are facing habitat loss due to urbanization, deforestation, and human development. This limits their access to suitable food sources, nesting sites, and safe spaces. Pollution and environmental contamination also pose risks to their health and survival.

Do raccoons live in Nashville?

Yes, raccoons live everywhere in Tennessee.

Do raccoons live in Mississippi?

Raccoons live in all states except for Alaska and Hawaii.

Where in Canada do raccoons live?

raccoons live in alberta,saskatchewan and ontario

Where do raccoons live in Arkansas?

Raccoons can be found everywhere in Arkansas.