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It comes out of ancient societies trying to explain unusual deaths. They join vampires, mermaids, and fairies in explaining nature and how it works. When man doesn't know science he makes up things, creatures, and gods to explain the world he lives in.

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8y ago
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7y ago

The myth or something similar to it has arisen independently from several different cultures around the world. Compare the Greek werewolf with the Navaho SkinWalkers, with the Windigo of the Ojibway.

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10y ago

Werewolves are mythological creatures, they come from stories and Fairy Tales, from someone's imagination.

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Q: Where does the myth of werewolves come from?
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Related questions

Are there such things of werewolves?

no they are a myth

When was werewolves discovered?

They are a myth

Who invented the werewolf myth?

There are many myths based about werewolves. It being a myth, no-one knows when or who invented werewolves.

How did the myth of werewolves originate?

Russia - I think.

Are werewolves in Australia?

If there are werewolves in London, then why not? ponypomp; There has never been proof of this. So far its a myth.

Do werewolves really exist in this world?

no they are just a myth.

What books are warewolfs from?

the myth about werewolves was passed down from generation to generation, and the myth started hundreds of years ago. people only recently put them in books, so there is no single book that started the myth about werewolves.

Why do some people always run away when the sun sets on the night of a Full Moon?

It is because of the myth of werewolves, like how they come out at a fullmoon

Can people change into wolves?

No they are a fictitious animal

Do you have to be a guardian to be a vampire or werewolf?

Vampires and werewolves are myth. They are not real.

What is the myth about how werewolves work?

The myth says that anyone who is bitten by a werewolf has no choice to become a werewolf. They transform to a werewolf at night on a full moon. They also die from nothing else but a silver bullet. Wolfsbane is a plant that a werewolves weakness and is like a poison to werewolves.

Are there any werewolves or vampires on your space?

No, because they are creatures of myth and legend, only.