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Giraffes are native to Africa but many live in zoos in all parts of the world.

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In africa.

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Q: Where does the giraffes life?
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Are Giraffes predators of Asiatic Lions?

No Giraffes are herbivores and definitely don't hunt lions that don life in their region.

How long is the giraffes life span?

one million years.

Why do giraffes have babies?

because it's the circle of life..and because they can.

Do giraffes estivate or hibernate?

Giraffes don't estivate or hibernate. They keep on with their regular Life pretty much no matter what.

How does the seasons affect the wildlife?

As a vet nurse myself, I have researched wild animals such as Zebras, Giraffes, Cheetahs and so on. I have discovered that seasons have a very big impact a giraffes life. Giraffes in the winter struggle because the giraffes fur is so thin. Where as in the summer giraffes enjoy the heat, sunshine and the warmth. I hope this answers your question.Vet nurse, Sarah

What is the daily life of a giraffe?

the daily life of a giraffe is simple. they eat

Do giraffes have knees?

Yes, giraffes do have knees.

Do giraffes eat other giraffes?

no never eat other Giraffes.

Do giraffes eat jaguars?

No. Jaguars inhabit the amazon rain forests. Giraffes life in the African savannah. They dont even live in the same place. Also, the Giraffe is too big for a Jaguar to hunt or kill. So, Jaguars cannot eat giraffes

What do white giraffes eat?

White giraffes will typically eat shrubs and flower buds located on high trees. However, they are known as browsers. They will eat mostly any type of plant life.

Are giraffes carnivores?

No. Giraffes are herbivores.

Do giraffes get harmed?

Giraffes can get harmed