anywhere wherever the panther is then that's where he is gonna get food if he is hungry there is no designated spot for a panther to eat.
Panther's usually find food with their nose, they have a very sensitive sense of smell, thus they are a very active hunter.
from animals
Tigers will kill and eat any large cat that dares enter their territory.
food and water
A dress made to look like panther print is pretty easy, just look online. For a dress made from an actual panther, that's much harder to find.
yes panthers hunt 4 it's food.
You can find comprehensive lists of the titles if your search the words "Pink Panther Episodes"
In the end of the book scat, they find the mother panther and the bad guys get caught. They find Mrs. Starch and return the baby panther.
cat duu
the pink panther
buy it and find out :)
A Large bear perhaps, but otherwise they are at the top of their food chain.