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Well a female spider monkey first has to find the right male spider monkey. Then when they are both ready they will start to have sexual moments in their daily life. After 2 years of sexual moments, they will have a baby. After the baby is stronger, the to adult spider monkeys will build a nest in a tree.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Well a female spider monkey first has to find the right male spider monkey. Then when they are both ready they will start to have sexual moments in their daily life. After 2 years of sexual moments, they will have a baby. After the baby is stronger, the to adult spider monkeys will build a nest in a tree.

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13y ago

some monkeys hide in trees but some bild sheleter with leaves big ones because they have hands like us humans if they work together they will have a lovely big shelter.

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13y ago

Monkeys need shelter because unlike the lion who sleeps at night, tigers and leopards prowl the jungle at night, hungry for a meal.

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6y ago

They climb trees and some live in the canopy of the rainforest.

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13y ago

a monkeys shelter is tall trees

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12y ago

they find shelter by i don't know.

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8y ago

They find shelter in the trees.

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Q: Where does a monkey shelter?
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sometimes is in the trees like monkey they use trees to be a shelter

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A monkey needs adequate shelter, food and water. They are similar to humans in this aspect. They also thrive on attention and friendship.

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lots of trees and climbing equipment then a big enough shelter

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Nothing! Monkeys avoid the desert. They prefer forests where the climate is usually less harsh and there is more food and shelter (trees).

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Its a monkey the name of the monkey says it all.By:cooln