both a sock and a monkey have mass, both a sock and a monkey tend to be soft, and both a sock and a monkey are solid. Both a sock and a monkey tend to be furry.
You can find quality handmade ones on etsy... Here is a Shop that has great original sock monkeys. http://www.lilhipsters.etsy.com/
illinos invented the sock monkey by dominique
Rainbow sock monkey. Yeah!
I found a monkey hat at Target but that was a little while ago, but still check in stores :)
Who knows? He is just a cartoon but, he could be a CARTOON sock monkey! :)really it's the first sock monkey invented and the kid named him "Paul Frank"!
A sock monkey is a stuffed animal made of soft fabric with soft stuffing. A sock monkey is "cool" for a child under 8 years old, and it makes a good keepsake.
sock monkeys have started selling in 1932
The actual creator of the Sock Monkey is unknown and can go back as far as 100 years. Though, John Nelson was credited for the sock monkey for inventing the red heel sock and patented in 1955.