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A female Labrador or Golden Retriever can go without urinating for up to 12 hours. If the flight is longer than that, the dog can wear a special diaper. In general, male canines have more difficulty "holding" their urine.

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Q: Where do seeing eye dog pee when on a long plane ride?
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they ride freeon buses and get discount on planes.

How old can a dog be to ride a long car ride?

It depends on how they react to the movement of the car. Like some might vomit and some may not. It really just depends on the dog.

A pregnant dog can travel on an airplane?

I would not take a pregnant dog on a plane. And a 60 lb dog would have to ride in baggage. Also the air is thinner as the plane goes higher. Granted it is controlled but still not a good idea.

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Seeing Eye Dog was created in 2009.

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What bus line can your small dog ride on?

You can smell your dog ride on the Metrorail and Metrobus bus lines.

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Animals are not permitted on commercial bus lines, including Greyhound. unless they are "service animals" such as a seeing-eye or hearing-ear dog.

How does a dog become a seeing eye dog?

Seeing eye dogs, as puppies, should be placed with a foster family to receive lots of love and care. This trains the dog to be patient and friendly around others, which are useful seeing eye dog qualities.

Why can't you ride a dog?

If you want to ride something, buy a horse.

What is the dogs name in Maximum Ride?

Total is the name of the dog in Maximum Ride.

How long to heal fructer bone for dog?

It can range from two to six weeks. Have your dog seen by a Vet. Only by seeing the fracture on an x-ray can you tell the severity of a break and how to treat it.