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Mustangs live in the American West. Of course, specific mustangs may not apply here. This is just the general American mustang.

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Q: Where do mustangs live?
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Related questions

What kind of habitat do mustangs live in?

Mustangs live in large grassy areas called grasslands.

How old can mustangs and stallions get?

Captive Mustangs usually live to be 25 years old, while wild Mustangs usually only live to be 20 years old.

Where does wild mustangs live?

In the wild.

Which breed of horse breed is better to live in Mexico Paso Fino's or Spanish Mustangs?

Lipizzzner I would say Spanish Mustangs. Coz they can live in a lot of heat. I would say Spanish Mustangs. Coz they can live in a lot of heat.

What do wild mustangs live in packs group or alone?

Wild Mustangs live in packs/groups/herds. There is usually one male that is dominant over all the females.

Do mustangs live in the desert ecosystem?

yes they do, but they live near water in a semi-desert

What deserts do mustangs live in?

Mustangs are found in all the major deserts of North America but seem to be most common in the Great Basin Desert.

Why do wild mustangs live in hot climate areas?

There are assumptions in this question which are not explicitly stated. These are that mustangs do not live in cold climates or that they prefer warmer climates and are both false. Mustangs have a range of temperatures and dryness levels that they can tolerate and exist in. Some areas in that range are relatively hotter than others. (Texas is certainly hotter than Minnesota, but mustangs can be found in both Texas and Minnesota.)

Do mustangs live in prides?

no they live in herds.and there are very few males in a herd because mateing rights

Where in the world do wild mustangs live?

Many countries have wild mustangs. The United States has them in much of the west, like Nevada. Australia also have wild mustanags. They call them brumbies.

How can mustangs the horse live up to?

20-30 years with really good care!

In what climate weather do mustang horses live in?

Mustangs live in many different climates. They can handle almost any weather.