

Where do leaves develop from?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: Where do leaves develop from?
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Where does a fertilized egg develop after it leaves the oviduct?

A fertilized egg develops in the uterus after it leaves the oviduct. It implants into the uterine wall where it continues to grow and develop into an embryo.

Where can we find the spores of a mature fern?

The spores develop on the underside of the leaves.

Is a plant with rootsstemsand leaves a vascular?

Yes, plants having differentiation of roots, stem and leaves develop vasculature. This has happened in Pteridophytes.

What are The first two leaves on a bean plant are called?

The first two leaves on a bean plant are called cotyledon leaves. These leaves are part of the seed embryo and are different in shape and function compared to the plant's true leaves which will develop later.

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If left growing it will eventually develop flowerss

Where does a fertilized egg develop after leaves the fallopian tube?

It develops in the uterus if it is nurtured by sperm.

Whether the butterfly eggs develop inside or outside the body?

Butterfly eggs develop outside the body. They are usually laid on the underside of leaves to hide them from predators.

How many cotyledons does a columbine have?

A columbine has two cotyledons, which are the seed leaves that emerge from a germinating seed before the true leaves develop.

What is the name of the Lilly with spots on its leaves?

There is no name for a lily with spots, because most develop them naturally.

Is it true that after fertilization seeds develop in a plants sepal?

true or yes they do fertilization,seeds develop in plant's sepal.

What is the difference between the cotyledons and the true leaves of flowering plants?

Cotyledons are the first embryonic leaves that emerge from a seed upon germination, serving as the seedling's initial source of nutrients. True leaves develop after the cotyledons and are the plant's mature leaves responsible for photosynthesis and growth. Cotyledons are temporary structures, while true leaves are permanent.