Grey Squirrels go "nuts" for food!
In Britain, red and grey squirrels make a rough nest of twigs, leaves, high in the treetops, known as a drey or dray.
in a tree ANSWER: They hide from the weather in hollow trees and other places where they can find shelter. Ground squirrels dig burrows in the ground and go there. Squirrels can still be seen foraging for food (mainly nuts that they have previously hidden) in the snow. don't be dork wow you're such a nerd, lol
In my area we have only red squirrels they don't eat my tomatoes. I don't know about grey squirrels though. Tomato plants are from the nightshade family and are poisonous[apart from the fruit of course]. We have lots of deer around us but they never touch the tomato plants. I'd give them a go if I were you.
yes they gather food for the winter because it is to cold for them to go outside in winter, i can not believe people did not know that.
they go outside and do not hide. they love to go outside during rainy season.
The Nutty Squirrels Go Bird Watching was created in 1961.
When bears go to sleep in the winter, it is called Hibernation. Squirrels, birds, and other animals who dislike the cold do the same thing.
does shades of grey go with taupe
on the USA
You may feel cold after cold meals such as a smoothie or salad. The cold substances go into your warm stomach and make you feel cold. For example, if a really rainy day happened, and then the sun came out, you would see steam rising off of the ground. The water is evaporating. So that's what makes you feel cold.