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They belong to the order Pinnipeadia which means "fin-footed". Pinnipeadia means two fins in the front, and two fins in the back. There are three different types of seals. Phocidae (true seal), Otaridae (fur seals and sea lions), Odobenidae (Walrus). A Pinnipeadia is a mammal, and their sticky body's are ideal for gliding through water.

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Q: Where did seals come from?
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Where do baby harp seals come from?

they come from their parents.

Why do seals come on the sand?

Seals "haul out" to bask in the sun, rest, play, watch the other seals, and mate.

How many Seals live in the Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent and seals prefer to live in sea water. Seals do, however, come to the Antarctic beaches in spring, to breed.

How do you check if car has dry seals?

If you have dry seals, if have at least leakage because a dry seal cannot prevent oil to come out. Also if you have cracks in seals it mean you should replace it.

Where do you get seals for the pokeballs in HeartGold?

Olivine city in Jhoto. A little girl in a house gives you 3 seals each day you come.

Why do seals swim?

Seals dive for fish underwater, some might sleep underwater. But 6 types of seals live in antarctica! Seals breath air but do spend a lot of time underwater holding their breath. Sometime seals prefer to breath the air trapped under the ice then come to the surface. They would live mostly in the cold area because they have blubber fur.

Are polar bears dead?

no they are not but may be soon since the ice is disappearing because we are polluting the earth. They may die because they cannot eat the seals because they usually wait next to the seals breathing holes but because the ice is melting the seals don't need the holes to breath in so the bear just sits there waiting for a seal to come up to the surface but no seals come.

What continent is a seal from?

Species of seals can be found worldwide. They didn't come from a particular continent.

How do seals get their oxygen?

Seals breathe air just like you do. They are used to swimming and can hold their breath well, but they have to come up for air from time to time.

What are wenddell seals?

wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic

Types of seals?

Harbor seals, Elephant seals, Ross seals, Weddell seals, Antarctica Fur seals, Leopard seals and Navy seals.

How can seals live on ice?

What an uncomfortable thought! Seals breed in the water.