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I have about 6 years worth of Samoyed fur for sale..Its unwashed..Its a whole trund load of fur...I had some spun and that's enough for me..I would sell the whole trunk for $15...

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Q: Where can you sell samoyed fur?
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What is the samoyed related to?

The Samoyed are spitz-type dogs. Spitz breeds usually have long, thick fur, pointed ears and muzzles, and tails that curl over their backs. Other spitz breeds are the American Eskimo Dog, the Chow Chow, the Pomeranian, the Shiba Inu, and the Siberian Husky.

Which country did the Samoyed originated from?

The Samoyed originated from Russia (Siberia).

Where did the fur traders sell fur?

The sold fur along the banks of the Mississippi river.

What types of animal is a samoyed?

A Samoyed is a breed of domestic dog from Siberia

Is a Samoyed good at tolerating cold temperatures?

Yes. Since the Samoyed was originally bred to live in the cold climate of Siberia, Russia, it has a thick coat that protects it from the cold. Its fur is double-coated, with the soft undercoat insulating the dog against the cold and the topcoat resistant against harsh weather conditions.

What do people use the samoyed dog for?

if you want to use them for work, Samoyed's pull sleds! if you want a loving dog ( that licks alot ) pick a Samoyed!

What is the breed of the dog in the Proposal?

It is a Samoyed. They are an arctic breed. The dog was a puppy.

How do you sell Angora fur?

You can shave the animals and make sure that after you shave them they are kept warm. They will be very cold without all their thick fur! But there is no need to kill them. As for an actual place to sell the fur I have no answer.

What do you do with grey wolf fur on runescape?

all you really can do is sell it to the fur trader in ardy

Will the Samoyed ever be pet of the month?

No the Samoyed will never be the Pet of the Month because its a retired Webkinz.

How tall can a male samoyed dog grow?

Male Samoyed can grow up to 21-24".

What is the scientific name for the samoyed?

The scientific name for the Samoyed dog is Canis lupus familiaris.