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I don't know about the tanks, but you can get sea-monkey kits at Wal*Mart, Target, Rite Aid, etc.

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Q: Where can you get a tank for your sea monkeys?
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What can you put in a sea-monkey tank?

Well you can put special sea monkeys sea diamonds in and the sea monkeys love it it is also a fun toy!!

Can sea monkeys live with a filet tank?

no they cant follow the directions

What are those black spots in your sea monkey tank?

you need sea medic it will set rid of it

Where can you buy accescories for your sea monkeys?

any pets shop you can just buy fish tank accessories and put them in your sea monkey tank.

I cant see anything in my sea monkey tank?

That is because there is no such thing as sea monkeys. Oh yes there is i had some this morning and then at night they were gone i mean sea monkeys arent real they're brine shrimp but my tank cleared to but they can bring themselves back to life so dont throw the tank out!

How do you start a large tank of sea monkeys?

You Buy a lot of eggs! (make sure to have a big enough tank)

How do sea monkeys defend themselves?

They can't. That's why you don't put them in a tank with fish!

Do sea monkeys grow the size of the tank?

No.sea monkeys is just another name for brine shrimp.they are only afew mm in size.

What can live with sea monkeys and not eat them?

Sea Monkeys cannot live with fish. Guppies MAY be a possibility, but I doubt that you will have Sea Monkeys when you go back to see your aquarium. Also, Sea Monkeys are extremely small. And they cannot live in anything larger than a gallon (except when they are in a enormously-sized colony). Any fish WILL think of Sea Monkeys as food. Also, only salt-water fish are physically able to inhabit their tank in the first place. Snails, however, can live with Sea Monkeys. A company known as Little Aussie Products sells a product similar to Sea Monkeys called "Itsy Bitsy Sea Dragons." They also sell "tank mates" for Sea Monkeys/Dragons: Snails. They have multiple species of snails, including: Teeny Weeny Winkles, Coco Snails and Blueberries. Sea Bubbles are another small species which can live with Sea Dragons/Monkeys. They are also sold by Little Aussie Products, and are much smaller than even Sea Dragons/Monkeys. I hope this helps!

How do I change a sea monkey's water?

First, you must buy an Aqua Leash tank from online, then remove all sea-monkeys to the tank with Distilled water that has been set out for 24 hours, and you don't need a new sea-monkey tank to put them in you can just use an old jam jar, and then empty the dirty tank and clean it, then fill it with water again and add new water purifier and then put the Sea-Monkeys back in after 24 hours.

Can you use a 10 gallon tank for sea-monkeys?

Yes, a 10 gallon tank can be used for sea-monkeys. It provides enough space for them to swim around and grow. Just make sure to follow the instructions provided with the sea-monkey kit for best results.

How do you make oxygen for sea monkeys without million bubble air pump?

You can blow gently with a straw to blow bubbles in your sea monkey tank.