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Dumbo rats have big ears and pointy noses. they also love to dig in their cage

sawdust and make secret tunnels to store their food

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Q: Where can you find pet dumbo rats?
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Related questions

What are some common types of pet rats?

dumbo, fancy, hairless, and rex

Will pet stores take a rat that is a mix between a dumbo rat and a fancy rat?

It depends on the pet store. They may if they sell both Dumbo, fancy and standard rats. They will likely put it in with the standard rats. This means it will likely be sold as a feeder.

Where you can find rats?

You can find pet rats in a lot of pet stores, or animal rescues. You can find wild rats just about anywhere.

Is cat nip harmful to dumbo rats?

yes, never feed a pet different food without thinking first

Are dumbo rats smaller thn fancy rats?

no their bigger

How are dumbo rats different from normal rats - are they kinder or just look different?

Dumbo rats have larger, rounder ears located lower on their heads compared to normal rats. They are considered to be just as friendly and social as normal rats, with no significant differences in behavior or temperament. Dumbo rats are a specific breed of domesticated rats, known for their unique appearance.

Are dumbo female pet rats nastey?

Depends on what you mean, they are usually cleaner then their male counterparts. Attitude wise, they are loving attention wanting creatures.

Is a fancy rat bigger then a dumbo rat?

No, dumbo rats are much bigger than fancy rats. They are both very nice creatures though.

Which is better fancy rat or dumbo rat?

A dumbo rat is a fancy rat ;)Dumbo's are just given the name because of their over-sized ears.All fancy rats have the potiental to get along, but not all will, after all.Be sure if you are going to introduce a new rat to take the rats to a neutral area (placing the new one in the cage is a recipe for disaster!).

What are some types of rats that will stay small and cute?

dumbo rasts are very cute and small so if you are looking for one cute and stays small a dumbo or fancy rat will work just fine Dumbo rats do not stay small, in fact they are usually slightly larger than regular fancy rats. There are dwarf rats that are about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of a normal rat, but they can be hard to find and often have health problems. All rats are cute, though, no matter what size they are!

How long do dumbo rats get?

Usually 6 to 8 inches.

What other traits are rat breeders looking for in dumbo rats?

With dumbo rats, their genetic mutation causes their desired floppy, side-set ears. Breeders have to be careful to watch for rats that have other deformities in their ears which can cause deafness or equilibrium trouble. When breeding dumbo rats, the inside folds of the ear should look the same as a typical rat, only turned further down the side of the head. If you plan to show your dumbo rats in competitions, the ears should be turned at least about 50 degrees from the original rat position, otherwise they are not considered to be a good representation of the dumbo breed.