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yes they should all they are trying to do is please their owners. But if you do fight them then you should be inprisioned for at least 20 years. If you had a golden retriever they would do the same thing but pits are just more musculer

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13y ago
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13y ago

Russia has animal cruelty laws but dog fighting is not illegal by law. In Japan, only in Tokio dog fighting is banned. These days, countries that had dog fighting had illegalized this practice.

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12y ago

I definitely believe people certainly should banned Pitbulls as being pets as they bite really hard and the jaw closes and stays closed and can cause really bad emergancys .I still think you should have a dog but do NOT get a Pitbull.

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14y ago

Yes in some places. No in some places. Contact the local government to find out if there are restrictions on owning pit bulls in a particular area.

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14y ago

Not everywhere. it depends.

Check your local county.

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