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Under bushes, in hedges, in burrows.

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Q: Where are hedgehogs most likely to be found?
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Related questions

Are hedgehogs found in Poland?

hedgehogs are found anywhere, but they will probably be hiding from you :D

Do you have hedgehogs in Brazil?

Hedgehogs are not naturally found in North or South America, so no.

Is the platypus more popular than the hedgehog?

It is difficult to say, as neither animal may be kept as a pet. Also, platypuses and hedgehogs are found in completely different parts of the world. No doubt platypuses are more popular in Australia. However, as hedgehogs are found in Europe, Asia and Africa, where there is a larger population of people to have an opinion either way, hedgehogs are likely to be more popular.

Where can desert hedgehogs be found?

in the desert !

Hedgehogs are found in where?

Basically anywhere.

Why do echidnas and hedgehogs not get along?

It is not known whether echidnas and hedgehogs get along, as they are found in different continents.

Where is plague most likely to be found?

plague most likely to be found in Asia, America, Africa

Are hedgehogs found in eastern US?

From breeders and rescues. See the related links. Try petfinder as well.

WHAT DO hedgehogs do for winter?

Hedgehogs do what they do all year round .In Africa it doesn't get cold in the winter so it doesn't matter to the heggies. But if you own a hedgehog and live in an area where it is cold and do not have a temperature of at least 65 (Fahrenheit) your hedgehog will go into hibernation and most likely die.

Do hedgehogs live in Florida?

Yes, hedgehogs are legal in Indiana. Hedgehogs are only illegal in the states of Arizona (without permits), California, Georgia (with the exception of licensed breeders), Hawaii, Maine, and Pennsylvania.

Do hedgehogs sleep during the night?

Since they are nocturnal, hedgehogs are awake and active during most of the night.

How long do hedgehogs hibinate for?

They should never hibernate they are to small to live of body and will most likely die if the conditions are to cold they will go in to hibernation which they should NEVER do