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The Doberman was developed to protect the guy who created Dobermans (Mr.Doberman) It's simply a guard dog.Mr.Doberman ...well,back then he had to go around town carrying money,& taxes & stuff.So he created the Doberman to protect him & don't make strangers steel the money & taxes.But since we now can get money & taxes EASIER these days some of the aggresion has been bred out of it.But it still struggles with it's aggresion.So now these days it's just a guard dog.

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13y ago

The doberman pincher was made by Louis dobermann in Germany around the 1800's

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11y ago

The Doberman breed of dogs was first bred in the town of Apolda in a town in Germany. These dogs have since reproduced many times and have speciated into the breed known today.

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10y ago

Original Doberman was created in 1993.

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How do you breed doberman?

DON'T BREED OR BUY WHILE SHELTER DOGS DIE! Go to a doberman rescue or to a shelter and adopt. 1 in 10 dogs born finds a forever home, and EVERY hour of EVERY day 800 pets are euthanized nationwide. I agree. Although I love the breed, I wouldn't breed unless you are experienced. Learn about it but also realize that why you are bringing in new life, there is life leaving because there are too many shelter dogs. A shelter Doberman is just as good as a Doberman that was bred. ~Jessica~

Why did humans first breed dogs?

They bred them to assist them in hunting.

Is there such a dog called Doberman retriever?

Nope. Unless somebody "created it" or in other words bred dogs that should never have been allowed to breed, and gave the mutt puppies a fancy name.

What was the Doberman Pinscher first bred for?

Dobermanns are often known as Doberman Pinscher's in America because they were originally classed as Terriers (which is what ''Pinscher'' means in German). The name has now been changed in the UK and some other places to Dobermann as it was felt that as Dobermanns are not Terriers they should not be called Pinschers.

Are pure breed dogs smarter than mixed breed dogs?

No, not necessarily true, but mixed breed dogs do live longer than pure bred dogs

How do you breed your Nintendo dogs?

Nintendogs cannot be bred.

Which breed was first pugs or bull dogs?

Bulldogs were bred first as they had a practical purpose. Pugs were developed later as companions.

How old does a male miniature Doberman have to be before he can breed?

Male miniature dobermans can be bred starting 6 month old. Dogs, male and female, are sexually mature at 6 months of age.

What types of dogs normally guard car salvage yards?

The breed of dogs that people use to protect and guard their salvage yards is a Doberman Pincher. The Doberman Pincher's country of origin is from Germany.

How many dogs and plants have been bred?

None. Dogs and plants cannot breed

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Pomeranian husky breeds are mix breed dogs. They are not pure bred. This mixed breed of Pomeranian huskies are a breed of hypoallergenic dogs. Another name for this breed of dogs is pomsky.

How can you use bred in a sentence?

The dog breeder bred bit bulls. I have bred dogs all my life. When a person has bred dogs, it often means they breed exclusively for a certain blood line.