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Buckings can be done just about anyime after 10 days. It's a simpe home procedure. Older than, maybe, 2 months, it's a job for a veterinarian.

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Q: When to fix male goats?
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Related questions

Are goats ever called 'stags'?

No female goats are known as does, male goats as bucks, castrated male goats as wethers and young goats are called kids.

What are other names for goats?

Hircine or caprine. Female goat is known as a doe. Entire male goats are known as bucks. Castrated male goats are known as wethers. Offspring of goats are known as kids.

Are male goats separated from the female goats?

Goats are a different species to sheep but they are both ruminants. A male sheep is called a ram, a male goat is called a buck but castrated male goats and sheep are called wethers.

What is other gender of goat?

Entire male goats are called bucks. Castrated male goats are called wethers. Female goats are called does. Young goats are called kids.

Why are goats called Billy goats?

Male goats are often called "Billy goats" as a colloquial term to distinguish them from female goats and emphasize their masculinity. The term "Billy" is derived from the old English word for male in animals.

What are does and bucks?

Does are female goats. Bucks are entire male goats

What are full grown male goats called?

Full grown male goats are called bucks.

What does it mean when you're in the mountains and you see two male goats butt heads?

The two male goats (bucks) may be fighting over territory or female goats (does).

Do the Greeks eat goats?

yes but mainly baby male goats but they always keeped one one male with the females

What is a male billygoat called?

A 'kid'... as most goat's offspring are "kids"...

Is a wether goat the same as a pygmy goat?

Pygmy goats are a breed of goat. Wether goats are castrated male goats.

Do female goats spray urine on themselves?

No, they physically cannot. Only male goats that are uncastrated can.