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In her second heat 9 to 13 days after she first starts bleeding.

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Q: When to breed female shepherd in heat?
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When is the best time to breed your Australian Shepherd?

You should NOT breed from your Australian Shepherd until it has had at least three seasons/heat cycles. Many breeders agree that the absolute best age to breed from a female is three years old, however, this is not necessary. You can breed responsibly from a Dog once it has had three seasons.

What age does a German Shepherd cant breed?

A female shouldn't breed on her first ever cycle.

Why wont your female German shepherd let your male German shepherd mount her?

Because she is dominant or not in heat.

When during their heat can your female breed?

After she quits bleeding.

Can your 11 year old Australian Shepherd have puppies?

A female should only breed up to the age of seven, a male can breed throughout his life.

Can a Female German Shepherd and a Male Yorkie breed?

No that would be very stupid. Yorkies are small and GSD's big.

How do you bring a female German Shepherd dog into heat?

You can't. They usually come into heat every six months, providing they are healthy.

What breed of German shepherd has long hair?

It is not a different breed, but a specific gene that causes long hair in German Shepherds. A German Shepherd with long hair is still of the German Shepherd Breed.

What do you call female and male shepherd?

A female shepherd is called a shepherdess, and a male shepherd is simply called a shepherd.

Is a male dog a German shepherd?

Every single breed, in fact every single mammal on this earth has both male and female of each gender. You don't have all male dogs being a German Shepherd and no other breed or else they'll all be extinct.

How do you breed Lakeland terriers?

Leave the male and female together when she goes in heat.

How can you tell when to breed a female pitbull terrier?

She will clearly show you when she is ready and in heat.