No, cows and cats are different species and cannot successfully mate and produce offspring. Their genetic makeup is too different for them to produce viable offspring.
Yes a yak is an animal much like a woolly cow
No, donkeys and cows are different species and cannot produce offspring together. They may attempt to mate in rare cases, but successful reproduction is not possible between them.
The large cattle breeds are almost the same size of a domesticated yak. The wild yak is bigger.
# A wild yak is like a bull and a cow mixed but is stronger than both
A female yak is called a dri or nak. For most in the English-speaking countries, the female yak is called a cow.
A dzo is a hybrid of a yak and a domestic cow.
A Dow is a off spring of a yak and a cow !
It is a female yak.
A dzho is a hybrid of a yak and a domestic cow
A zho is a hybrid of a yak and a domestic cow.
A dso is a hybrid of a yak and a domestic cow.