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Q: When teaching a new cue what type of unconditioned reinforcer should you give a dog?
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What is an unconditioned behaviour?

An unconditioned behavior is a behavior that hasn't been conditioned to be meant as a response to a given stimulus. For example, if you put a pigeon in a box, it will simply walk in circles to try and find a way out. This is an unconditioned response, it's just going to do that behavior on it's own. However, if you rewarded the pigeon to turn in a circle when you give it a que (the stimulus), it will condition the pigeon to spin when given that que, thus conditioning the behavior.

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Teaching proportions is no different than teaching any other part of mathematics, so it should not create any great feelings either way, unless the teacher is unprepared to give the lesson.

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Giving teachers respect is vital. They are teaching- which comes in handy later in life- so students should give the teachers full respect. By: listening, not talking back, doing their best work, and displaying appropriate behavior as well as manners.

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learn to understand the subject He/She is teaching you.

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When to teach your dog tricks?

You should start teaching your puppy tricks by 8 weeks old. I know, because I have an Ori Pei that is 11 weeks old, and we started teaching her at 8 weeks. Now, she knows sit and paw. For sit, you should tap their but, and if that does not work, push it down. But not to much to hurt the young pup. And you should give them treats when they do it. And also, you should praise them when they go to the bathroom outside. And by praising them you should say " Good Job". For Paw, you should take their paw and like sit, give them a treat! I hope this helped you make your puppy a whole lot better!

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In Touch with Charles Stanley - 1990 Christmas Teaching Us to Give was released on: USA: 15 December 2013

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Basic modals (can, could, may, might, must, should, ought to, have to, have got to, had better).................. for the study and teaching of English as a second language.

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Give them a digital one.

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There are a good few websites on the internet which give tips and information about teaching English in Italy. One such website is the "Teaching English in Italy" website which has a FAQ page.

What is the best way to teach the child?

Say if you were teaching them 1+1 then if he/she gets it right give them a treat and give them a daily test