As soon as the doe gets pregnant. Does get very very defensive and "moody" when pregnant and could become aggressive towards and dangerous to other does.
no need. they will separate themselves
yes you should
Sometimes this is only necessary to protect the pregnant sheep from harm from the male. Bucks and does should NEVER be kept together.
Goldfish can not be pregnant. They lay eggs (spawn) in Springtime when the water temperature starts to warm up towards 70F.
definitely yes because the females pups will be in danger
You should separate them before she has the babies because almost right after she gives birth she can become pregnant again and you will have bunny explosion!!! Separate them!! The world does not need more bunnies!!!!! :) hope that helps.
Yes, you should. The rabbit might try to harm the baby guinea pig or try to take it in as it's own. ---- YES! They should not be housed together even if a guinea pig is not pregnant! They can injure each other.
Guinea pigs should never be housed outside (temperature fluctuations, humidity and predators), pregnant guinea pigs especially. Please separate your pregnant guinea pig from any males. They can go into heat within an hour of giving birth.
If the other pig is a male, please separate them. If it is a female it should be ok.
we should take care for animals like dogs cats rabits fish turtle and gunnie pigs thank u
Once the doe and buck have mated you should separate them. ESPECIALLY when the babies are born. The buck can trample the babies when there still hairless or when they're older the buck will try to mate with the does of the litter.