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Q: When is the best time to plant food plots for deer in western KY?
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What do deer food plots do for your deer?

They attract deer daily because the deer know where they can get food, it can be good for hunting because you can set up around the food plot and wait for the deer. it also helps with the deers to the food in the food plots it helps them with there rack.

How would you describe the relationship between a deer and a plant?

The plant is a producer and the deer is a consumer.

Is a deer a parasite to a plant?

No. Deer would be more like a "predator" to a plant, not a parasite.

Can deer eat collard greens?

Yes. They will eat Collards which are in the brassica family that includes plants like turnips, kale, mustard, rape, etc... They will eat them more readily after a frost. I plant them every year in my food plots.

Why do deer need plants?

deer needs plant to eat .

Does a deer eat a hawk?

No. Deer are herbivores, plant eaters.

Does a herbivore eat a deer?

Herbivore means plant eater. Deer are meat and of no interest as food to a plant eater.

Are deer plant eaters?

Yes, deer and other animals in the deer family are all herbivores.

Are mountain deer omnivores?

All deer are herbivores, plant eaters.

Is a deer a ruminant omnivore?

All deer are herbivores, plant eaters.

Are male deer omnivores?

Male deer - stags or bucks - are still deer. And ALL deer are herbivores, plant eaters.

What continent does the fallow deer live on?

The fallow deer lives in Europe and western Asia.