Shih Tzupronounced as "Sheed Zoo". They are fully adult by the age of 2 to 2.5 years.
The small, hairy, short-legged dog is the Shih Tzu (originally from China).
no. A shih tzu is a purebred dog redognized by the AKC and many other dog organizations.
Shih Tzu. The name Shih Tzu translates to "lion dog" in English.
The small dog breed is a Shih Tzu, sometimes spelled shihtzu or shih-tzu.
You cannot breed any dog with a Shih Tzu, it's the same for all small dogs. You can't breed like a Great Dane or any type of large dog with a Shih Tzu, it would probably kill the shih tzu when giving birth. Sheebee13: You can breed any small dog with a shih tzu, ofcourse it cant be a big dog. But like a mini poodle, Chihuahua, yorkie. Anyhting small.
The dog is a shih tzu.
The Shih Tzu is a native of Tibet and the word Shih Tzu means "Lion Dog" in Chinese. In ancient times this breed was very popular in Chinese royalty.
Shih Tzu is a small, sturdy and beautiful dog. Its body is slightly longer then its height.
shih tzu enemies are cats and bull dogs My dog actually loves cats tho
Sitting on your lap