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Spay or nueter your rabbit when he/she is 6 months old.

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Q: When is a rabbit to old to get spayed?
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When can a rabbit be spayed?

Female rabbits can be spayed when they are about 6 to 7 months old.

How old for the mother rabbit to be to get spayed?

6 months

What is the word for a spayed rabbit?

A spayed rabbit. There is no term xD

Should I get my 1 year old rabbit spayed?

if you want but you should have sprayed them at a younger age.

What age should a rabbit be spayed?

About 6 months

Can you spayed a rabbit if it is pregnant?

Not without the babies dying.

If a female rabbit is neutered will she encounter the same problems associated with menopause as women?

No, and a female rabbit is spayed.

Could your female rabbit can't get pregnant?

yes if you take it to a vet and have it spayed

Do you have to breed your female rabbit?

No, you can even have her spayed so she makes a better pet.

How long do you have to wait to get a rabbit spayed after she has babies?

8 weeks or two months

Why does my younger rabbit keep peeing on my older rabbit?

They usually do this to mark their territory! Although it is usually the older rabbit that is more territorial... Hi jedward.fan13 here...I have a rabbit who is 3 years old and recently I adopted a baby rabbit, but the baby rabbit seems to keep peeing on the older one, Do you think this might be because the baby rabbit hasn't been spayed yet and the older one has?

Can three spayed rabbits get along?

That depends on the gender of the rabbit. Even if they are spayed or neutered, male rabbits kept together will most likely fight. But if you keep female rabbits together, while spayed or not, then they will most likely become friends.