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Regarding domesticated ferrets, depending on the health of the ferret they usually can live anywhere between 6 to 12 years. However, they tend to have numerous medical problems which can reduce the number years significantly. Since there has not been as much research on ferrets as there has been on dogs, cats and other domesticated animals, some veterinarians may have a difficult time diagnosing certain conditions with ferrets. Therefore it's important to see a veterinarian that specializes in exotic pets like ferrets in order to keep a healthy and long living ferret.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Ferrets reach adult size and weight at about 4 to 6 months, Sexual maturity age is at eight to twelve months. First possible mating is at six months or the first spring following birth

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11y ago

A female ferret becomes fully sexually mature around the age of six months old and can have kits from then on. You will be able to tell when she is in heat as her vulva will be swollen.

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8y ago

Ferrets go through puberty between 6-8 months of age. After this they are sexually mature.

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12y ago

Ferrets are considered "adults" when they are 6 months old. They would be about 24 human years old at ferret age 2.

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11y ago

In one year a baby ferret will become an adult.

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13y ago

A ferret can normally live from 6 to 8 years maybe more depending on how healthy they are. i hope this helps you.

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8y ago

Ferrets are usually considered mature once they go through puberty which happens between 6-8 months of age.

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11y ago

normally ferrets can breed in their first spring after being born

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13y ago

A ferret is sexually mature between eight and twelve months, in the spring after birth.

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Q: When does a Ferret reach adulthood and breeding age?
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When you reach age of majority in your state or country, usually 18.

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I'm not a professional, and this is kind of a generalized answer, but anyone is eligible to reach adulthood, or the age at which anyone is declared an adult (18 in the USA). Maturity is more like how a person acts, like if their actions are appropriate for their age range, and not everyone can reach this.

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Yes, - but it will be sealed when you reach the age of adulthood in your state.

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Female tarantulas reach breeding age at around two years old.

What age do you have to be to get a ferret?

Age is irrelevant to owning a ferret. Owning a ferret requires a lot of time, patience, knowledge, and responsibility.

What is the right age for adulthood?

The right age for adulthood is 18 :)

What is a female ferrets age at puberty?

Ferrets reach adult size and weight at about 4 to 6 months, Sexual maturity age is at eight to twelve months. First possible mating is at six months or the first spring following birth. The female ferret first breeding season after her birth will be between five to nine months

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Breeding occurs throughout the year. Females reach sexual maturity at around two years of age while males reach sexual maturity at around one year of age but males normally do not establish territories and thus gain breeding rights until they are about three years old.

Where can you buy unneutered ferrets?

In the US, ferrets can be bought from private breeders, however they usually require an agreement or contract that you will neuter your ferret before breeding age. Breeding ferrets is very complex that requires a great deal of knowledge.

What is the age you become an adult?

In Canada, the age of adulthood is 18. In the USA, the age of adulthood is 21.

What is the young of a ferret?

A young ferret or baby ferret is known as a kit.