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Both male and female kittens can be spayed as early as 10-12 weeks of age, although this varies somewhat from vet to vet. Cats usually reach sexual maturity around six months old and some even younger at four months, so it is best to spay kittens before that age.

Make sure you get kittens neutered and spayed (with six or so weeks indoors for recovery) before ever letting them outside. Even cats under a year old can get pregnant, and that could kill a young cat. Plus then you've got more kittens on your hands, and it's not good to take a litter of kittens to a shelter.

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Q: When do you have your kitten spayed?
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How do you know if your kitten was spayed?

Go to the vet

What do you do if my recently spayed kitten's suture is oozing?

Take her back to the vet immediately.

Why does your 6mth old kitten have smelly poop after being spayed?

If its in the form of diarrhea, its caused by stress.

Is there anything you can do to stop the whining when a kitten is in heat?

No. There is nothing you can do. Wait until the cat's heat stops and get her spayed.

Can a non-spayed cat who has never been pregnant nurse an adopted kitten?

i think but I'm not completely sure.

When will your kitten have a litter?

Your kitten will have a litter when it is a cat, not a kitten. Cats will have kitties when they are in heat (sexually active) around the 6th month to the 9th month of their life. That time if they mate they will have kitties. :) Your cat will only have kitties if you haven't spayed it yet.

At what age or weight do you spay a kitten?

Kittens can typically be spayed at around 2-4 months of age or once they reach a minimum weight of 2 pounds. It's best to consult with a veterinarian for guidance on the appropriate timing for spaying your kitten.

Can a non spayed cat who has never been pregnant nurse an adopted kitten?

Well if the cat is some how producing milk then yes.

Why is your pregnant cats belly soft and saggy?

My 8 month old females kitten belly has recently appeared saggy, she is not spayed. What does this mean?

How old before spaying a kitten?

I got my kitten when she was 6-6 1/2 weeks old, so the breeder got her spayed, she was probably about 5 weeks. Make sure to get them spayed before 5 months (mine just turned 5 months on Halloween) because they are starting to grow more into a cat and they have to get spayed when a kitten.a kitten is until a year but they are growing so much into a cat so DO NOT wait until a year...I hope that that helped :P

Should keep lost kitten that you found?

The answer would be that you should check the local paper and neighborhood to see if someone has lost the kitten, if not, than by all means keep the kitten, give it lots of love and attention, food and the most important thing... get the kitten spayed or neutered as soon as possible so there will not be other lost kittens wondering the street looking for a meal or a warm spot to sleep.

Can a male pirsian cat live with a female himalaya cat?

Well, it all depends. are they neutered/spayed? is one a kitten? sometimes, if you introduce a kitten to an animal, they will get used to each other. however, if they are both adults, they have been set in their ways, and they might not get along as well.