From what I have read and noticed, Minnesota deer rut is usually the second full moon after the autumn equinox. The peak estrus is usually four to six days before that date or after. That being said, the rut should be at Nov. third with peak estrus being between Oct. 31st through Nov. seventh. First gun season starts Nov. seventh through the 15th. Better news for us bowhunters.
The 2009 MN rut will peak on or very near November 11. Good luck and safe hunting.
in the fall , it seems that the first cold snap has something to do with it but scientiest arn't sure what causes them to start to In Arkansas, our deer hunting season usually coincides with the rut. This year (2007) the rut peaked around the 15th of November. There was a secondary rut that followed about two weeks later.
The South Carolina deer rut or the peak of rut season for the Piedmont is between October 15th and November 15th.
The rut is when the bucks start chasing the does! Really, I have found the peak of the rut in Iowa to be the week of Veterans day. Give or take as deer are unpredictable but this has always been a HOT week.
end of october first wee k November
No. Rutting season is always in the fall. Fawning (or the time when does [female deer] start to give birth) occurs in the spring.
Peak Breeding is Nov. 12th. As a hunter, the 2 most important weekends to be in the woods in 2010(as is most years) is Oct. 30th and Nov. 6th.
when it cold and snowing the deer start moving and the rut is in full swing
Deer usually rut in North Florida the last week of October to the first week of November, give or take.
Rut occurs in the fall.
October 8th
Rut runs from the end of october to the end of december. The does have three cycles when they come into heat during that time.