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Start giving your baby gray squirrels water after about 4-6 weeks.

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Q: When can you start giving water to baby gray squirrels?
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How often do squirrels drink water?

Squirrels may get water from lakes, rivers, water streams, and maybe even a swamp. there are many ways for a squirrel to get water i just cant explain them all.

Do squirrels have momanddad?

Squirrels are mammals, so yes the baby squirrels do have mothers and fathers.

What type of water do fox squirrels need?

If you are planning to water them as free range pets I would suggest rain water or local creek water. The reason for local creek water is that the squirrels are accustomed to the water near your area. If you have no local creek or pond I would use baby water. Baby water has no chemicals of any kind. I believe distilled water will work as well.

When should i start giving my baby baby cereal?

I started at about 5 months. My doctor told me to because my child was always hungry. remember you can always water it down for the consistancy that you want.

Is baby alive food edible?

yes only if you wash out with water keep giving it water and you can feed it baby food

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Do baby squirrels have fur?

no baby squirrels are not born with fur but when they reach 5 weeks old they should have gained all their fur

How old a baby should be when you start giving them juice?

11 months old.

Can baby squirrels die?

yes. easily.

Do weak baby squirrels die?


What percentage of baby squirrels survive?


Are baby squirrels born in the winter in the NE?

No, baby squirrels are usually born in the spring or summer. Female squirrels typically give birth to their young between February and August in the northeastern region. This timing allows the babies to grow and develop before the colder winter months.