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Maybe, but foam usually means rabies

No, it does not. Many dogs have foamy saliva and profuse drooling and are in the best of health.

Foam is air mixed with saliva There are two kinds of saliva: an aqueous form, and a thicker, mucus type. When a dog has a seizure, it's breathing speeds up, it usually salivates (both types) profusely from the nervous stimulation which is producing the seizure. This and the chomping seizure activity mixes the respiratory air with the saliva and it appears foamy.

Dogs pant when their body temperatures rise. Since they have no sweat glands as we do, they cool themselves by passing air over their tongues. Panting increases the airflow over it and hopefully, if it's wet, the air will evaporate the moisture from the tongue and thereby cool it, a bit. On hot summer days, when the humidity is high, most animals that rely on some degree of evaporation to help cool themselves suffer. We think it's muggy, and sweat profusely, but little of it evaporates and we stay uncomfortable. A dog is just as bothered by high humidity as we are.

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Q: When a dog has a seizur do they foam at the mouth?
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What could be some causes for a dog to seize foam at the mouth and flinch from human contact?

It is not good for a dog to seizure, foam in the mouth, and flinch from human touch. It may mean that the dog has rabies. It means you may have to shoot the dog.

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simply Licking a frog.

What color is the foam out of the mouth of a dog with rabies?

Normally its light yellow

Why is there foam in my dog's mouth?

He might have might wanna check that out

Why does your dog have white foam coming out of its nose?

White foam around the mouth and nose of a dog could be from dehydration or nausea. It is best to consult a veterinarian.

What does foam at the mouth?

If a dog is foaming at the mouth that means theres white foam coming out of their mouths,they could be thirsty or poisoned or have rabies please check with your vet.

What does foam at the mouth mean?

If a dog is foaming at the mouth that means theres white foam coming out of their mouths,they could be thirsty or poisoned or have rabies please check with your vet.

When a dog has parvo and they foam out of the mouth does that mean there getting worse?

Your dog should be under a Veterinarian's care. Only a Vet can possibly save your dog's life with treatment.

This morning after your dog went to the bathroom outside he came in and was happy but had white foam coming out of his mouth?

Proably he was playing outside; or maybe he got "friendly" with another dog...

What will make youre mouth foam?

Foam WillAnd rabies!

What would make a dog foam at the mouth in hot weather with plenty of water to drink?

If the the dog is foaming at the mouth, but otherwise has enough water, it may be simply due to exertion. If the dog has been running and playing, they may foam at the mouth even if they have plenty of water. This is just the dog's natural air conditioning system at work. If the dog has not been playing hard, it may be a sign of injury or illness. It is not always rabies, many conditions both major and minor, can cause foaming at the mouth. This can also be a sign of anxiety. You will have to watch your dog for other signs of illness to rule it out. If in doubt, take your animal to the vet.

Your dog has white foam from his nose?

White foam coming from your dog's nose could indicate a variety of issues such as respiratory infections, allergies, or even nasal foreign bodies. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure your dog's health and well-being.