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rope, a map of the woods im in, food, a can opener, flasklight, water, a telephone, my German shephard to ward off bears, my mommy, a way out

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a flashlight

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Q: What would you take to the forest with you?
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How long would it take to walk through the daintree forest?

it could take about 49 minutes

How forest effect agriculture?

if forest are not there agriculture will not take place.

How do you get to a rain forest from Washington DC?

The only rain forest within the continental USA is in the state of Washington. Therefore, you would need to take a car and drive 45 hours to Hoh Rain Forest in the Olympic National Park.

How many seeds do it take to plant a forest?

depends on the size of the forest!

If you were surrounded by evergreens would you be in a bank forest or grocery store?

You would be in a forest

What is an example of slogan about forest?

take care of forest and all of the rest

What would you feel in the forest?

in the forest it is cool and shaded from the sun. it smells well if it is a dense forest.

How would a plant would affect other plants or animals if it was gone?

A forest fire destroys many, id not most trees. The plant species that would take advantage of this are numerous. From grasses to woody bushes, they would colonize the vacant area. Animals that had their homes in the forest, short winged raptors, for example, would be highly stressed and would need to find new woods to hunt in. Many animals that lived in the forest would not survive long without it.

Why would people want to visit a tropical forest?

People would want to visit a tropical forest because they want to research the indigenous flora or fauna. They may possibly want to see what kind of stuff they can find to take pictures of. Scientists are always looking for new species, and a tropical forest is great place to search. People may want to test the adage, "May the forest be with you".

What does forest fire give us?

in a way they do because they illiminate some trees and help control the forests because if there were no forest fires and deforestation then trees can take over and we would be gone but there will be some left for oxygen

What would a Decomposing Log in a Forest hold?

A decomposing log in a forest would be a microhabitat...LIKE A BOSS

When does the forest sleep?

the forest never sleeps. if the forest sleeps all the creatures and plants would have died.