Spartan In a fair fight, yes Spartan would win, but Ninjas don't fight fair.
A spartan
A spartan because of his shild and he starts training when he is one
Spartan, due to superior weaponry, armor, training, and physical fitness.
i would.
They were obedient to their leader and were taught to fight until they died.
Me. Marine Corps veteran, we don't lose.
nah yo
Why would the Spartans fight a Spartan army? At the pass of Thermopylae 300 Spartan heavy infantry and 2,100 Spartan light infantry were part of a Greek force of about 8,000 which fought a delaying action against a Persian army in 480 BCE.
Athenian children were usually raised in a more laid-back method. Most were schooled when they were young. Spartan boys were raised to be warriors. They would learn to fight at a young age and would be sent to military academy until they reached the maximum age. Once they reached the maximum age, they would be required to join the army. If one was weak, he was left to die on a cliff or mountain.
Theoretically infinite, since no handheld, vehicle-mounted or ship-mounted weapon in the halo universe is capable of penetrating the armour of a space marine they'd have to wait until he died of starvation, which due to his enhanced physiology would take months. That is assuming that he doesn't just jump underwater(where he can breath) and hunt for fish with his acid spit, ridiculous strength and super-spartan reflexes. As a last resort they'd probably have to activate halo, which thanks to the hyper-advanced armour protection of the space marine would fail miserably.
It all depends on the set-up. If it was a flat field and it was just the Spartan with his weapons and a Ninja on it's own, I am thinking that the Spartan would win. Spartans were the best warriors of all time.Sorry, but Ninjas are trained to walk without weaponsbecause they collect them from their targets as they go!The Controversy Rages On...