You may agree because name are a matter of opinion, but I think Siajol would be a good name, and my friend says Woof.
I think a good last name is wolf.
It depends on the color of it. If it had spots on it I would name it Spot. If itlooked like a wild wolf i would name it Hunter.
Wolfy GreyMack
The Roan Wolf or Roan Wolf. Get it "lone wolf" ? And you can just call him wolf or wolfie around the barn
In willow creek after warlic reccamends you to the elder you do the quests and go into the restricted area and battle it 8 times for the quest and talk to the elder to get the dark wolf. The dark wolf is a pet that you can get by the quest: The Bone? but it is wery rare. iwe tryed 20 times and i did not got it
a nice thick steak.
I think Christal and Sunblaze are good names.
brush shampoo conditioner
a bone a trip to the woods