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The name of a Poodle Chihuahua mixed would probably be a Choodle or a Pihuahua. If you are interested in this breed of dog, you should probably research about what this breed would be like. Some of the breeds physical traits would probably be a puffy Chihuahua. If you find the Choodle of your dreams, enjoy your puppy!

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Q: What would a poddle and a chihuahua mix be?
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I think it all depends on what it is mixed with. Chihuahua puppies themselves are the cutest...most puppies are cute. So I'd tend to think that a chi mix would have to be cute.

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What do you mix to get a chihuahua?

Nothing! Chihuahua's are pure-breds. They are the original breed, nothing was combined to make them.

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Yes. My friend has a Toy-fox Terrier/Chihuahua mix.

What do you call a Chihuahua poodle mix?
